Hi Reader,
I am still reading Steven Covey's Principle Centered Leadership and one of the chapter's is titled: Seven Deadly Sins. He quotes Mahatma Ghandi in this chapter and it seems eerily prophetic with the problems we are facing today.
7 Deadly Sins
1. Wealth without work
2. Pleasure without conscience
3. Knowledge without character
4. Business without ethics
5. Science without humanity
6. Religion without sacrifice
7. Politics without principle
I love the last quote from the chapter: "The Seven Habits will help you avoid these Seven Deadly Sins. And if you don't buy into the Seven Habits, try the Ten Commandments."
It's like Jay Leno said, and I'm paraphrasing here; with all of the natural disasters, the crumbling economy, and everything else that is going wrong, is now really the best time to take God out of our Government?
Take Care, Vote according to your conscience and know that God is in charge. He alone can provide the peace we are all searching for.
We are here, we are here, we are HERE!
10 years ago